
At Home and in the Field (AHaitF)

At Home and in the Field (AHaitF) – The Society’s scholarly journal is published quarterly and posted on the Member’s Only portal of the SWCW website. It is a primary benefit of membership. AHaitF is managed by a dedicated staff, composed of an editor, an art director/formatter, and assistant editors/staff writers. The staff searches for and solicits original articles, requests from publishers and bloggers the permission to reprint articles, artwork and graphics, from other media, and other submissions from inside and outside the Society’s membership. The staff vets all submissions for accuracy. The staff also writes original articles for the publication.

Regular columns include the following:

  1. The Reticule – General information for the context of Civil War-era women’s lives.
  2. The Nineteenth Century Arts – Articles on the fine arts during the period.
  3. The Civil War Song Book – Lyrics to popular songs of the era, with introductory commentary about context and meaning.
  4. The Hearth – Articles about hearth cooking and open fire cooking, to include equipment, techniques and “receipts” (the period word for “recipes”) with historical and contemporary instructions.
  5. Other content includes Civil War-era poetry and contemporary poetry addressing Civil War-era topics; period and contemporary articles pertinent to women during the era; interviews with persons who are noted scholars, living historians, reenactors, guides, trainers, educators and subject matter experts; support to scholars, educators, living historians, reenactors; and other topics as identified.

All SWCW members and interested persons are welcomed to submit articles and other submissions for consideration for publication in AHaitF. Writing for AHaitF is a great way for authors to publicize works which are about to be released by publishers. Please send submissions to AHaitF or otherwise contact its editor by sending eMail to [email protected] with “AHaitF” in the subject line.

The Calling Card (TCC)

The Calling Card (TCC) – The Society’s newsletter is published monthly and sent via eMail to members and interested persons. It is managed by an editor who is supported by regularly contributing writers.

Recurring content includes the following:

  1. News of Note.  A roundup of notices of interest to our members and friends. This includes news from other organizations, activities, museums and historic sites.
  2. Society Notices. This addresses notices specifically relating to our members, such as publication of members’ books, news from the Board of Directors, etc.
  3. Woman of the Month. This is a short biography of a woman who is included in the Society’s National Registry of Women’s Service in the Civil War (NRWSCW).
  4. The Conference on Women and the Civil War. Updates on the upcoming annual national conference.
  5. Suggested Reading. Topical bibliographies. 

All SWCW members and interested persons are welcomed to submit notices and other submissions for consideration for publication in TCC. Please send submissions to TCC or otherwise contact its editor by sending eMail to [email protected] with “TCC” in the subject line. To be included in the distribution list for TCC, please send eMail to [email protected] with “Email Communications” in the subject line.