Regent Program

       The SWCW Regents Program is comprised of selected members who assist the board in mission fulfillment, membership support and outreach. As critical members of the SWCW leadership team, regents support membership within their geographic regions and keep the board apprised of issues which should be addressed. Regents also serve as advisors to the board for general matters as well as for those matters which pertain specifically to their regions. Regents support members by assisting them to identify and coordinate with others pursuing similar research, reenactment, memorialization, preservation, or publishing goals. Regents distribute SWCW materials at sites and organizations, provide society press releases to local media, and send out mailings for the society. Regents collect and report contact information for individuals, organizations, sites, schools, museums, local media and local activities which may be interested in the society. This information is used for distribution of SWCW newsletters and announcements. This information also aids in publicizing the society, its programs and its annual conference. Regents identify potential partners for joint activities. They identify events at which SWCW should be represented or at which presentations should be made on behalf of the society. Regents assist the board in planning and administering the annual conference. They assist in identifying and vetting potential locations, resources, programs and speakers. Some regents have made conference presentations or have led conference workshops and other activities. The regents are supported and guided by a program chair who is a member of the board of directors. Equipment, supplies, promotional materials, organizational clothing, funding, and other means of assistance are provided to regents to assist them in performing their duties. Regents submit to the program chair periodic reports of their activities and of their recommendations. SWCW thanks and celebrates the service of its talented and dedicated regents. It also welcomes those who wish to volunteer to serve as regents, as deputy regents or as members of regional support teams. To participate in this program, please contact its chair, J. White, at [email protected].

North East US (CT, DE, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) – Vacant

Mid-Atlantic US (DC, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV) – J. White, Regent         Dr. Anita Henderson, Deputy Regent for Maryland

South East US (AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, PR, TN, VI) – Helga Torbert, Regent      Karen Kugell, Esq., Deputy Regent

Mid-West US (AR, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, NE, OH, OK, WI) – J. White, Acting Regent

Northwest US (AK, CO, ID, MT, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) – Lin Russell, Regent 

Western US (AS, AZ, CA, GU, HI, MP, NM, NV, TX) – Janet Whaley, Regent

Asia – Kim Osieczonek, Regent

Europe – Tabitha Miller, Regent

Eastern Canada (NB, NL, NS, ON, PE, QC) – J. White, Regent

Western Canada (AB, BC, MB, NT, NU, SK, YT) – Janet Whaley, Regent